Current Projects:

Events Center gym floor complete! Side basketball hoops installed and main hoops ready to go! Come see the beautiful work completed at the home of the Holy Trinity Saints!

While there is always work to be done, we are happy to report that through the continued fundraising efforts of the Blue & Gold foundation, Blue & Gold will be purchasing 256 folding chairs that will be easy to set up and take down with quality rubber caps on the legs to protect our newly installed floor.

Upcoming Projects: 

As we look down the road, we would like to continue our efforts in making HTS the best it can be for your children, those children to come, and the neighboring community.  As such, we will be working on enhancing life within the classroom itself.  Working in conjunction with Dr. Ellis and Father Anthony, we are planning several new ventures including the potential for a media room which will not only provide the latest advancements in academics through technology, but also stimulate cultural development through interactive discussions from around the globe.

Additionally, we are working to secure customized floor mats for the entryway into the Events Center.  Also, we would like to add a kitchenette to help enhance the overall experiences of those utilizing the venue.  Finally, we intend to replace the curtains in the Events Center.

How You Can Help:

As you can see from the communal efforts to implement all of the above, HTS is a special place, and these proposed additional improvements will benefit us greatly as well as showcase the pride we all share in our school!

If you are interested in supporting any of our latest endeavors which will serve to keep HTS up-to-date both academically and technologically as well as fit, safe, and secure, please consider making a contribution by clicking here.  It will be an investment in an institution that provides for and supports academics, athletics, the arts, community, and Christian giving.  Thank you and God Bless!
